Coaching pathCoaching for Pastoral Leadership

As part of our Capital Campaign, the pastoral staff may take advantage of up to two hours of telephone assistance and advice from fellow pastors that have been through a successful Capital Campaign.

Pastoral staff can also, for an extra fee, be coached by fellow pastors on any one of the following subject matters:

  • Preparing Church Budgets and Working with Finance Committees
  • Effectively Working with Church Councils
  • Pastoral Leadership
  • Growing Your Community of Faith
  • Working with Troubled Congregations

If interested in taking advantage of our Coaching for Success©, Kirby-Smith will provide you with a listing of pastors and their respective experience from whom you can choose as your coach.

Please contact Kirby-Smith Associates directly at 800-762-3996 or to discuss how our services and fee structure can be of benefit to you. We look forward to assisting you.