H.O.P.E. is Kirby-Smith Associates’ stewardship approach to reach out to all members.

Hearts Open to Passionate Engagement; Sowing Seeds

  • To Sow seeds from the onset that will develop a strong vision that will focus on ministry and building engagement
  • To Cultivate all gifts of time, talent, and treasure
  • To Enrich through communication and education that all gifts come from God
  • To Harvest a higher level of stewardship
  • To Nourish a long-term relationship

Through our integrated program of Stewardship, we engage your members within the context of either a capital campaign or a standalone program. Our HOPE is to join with you and assist you in becoming an even more vibrant and growing Christian Community of Faith through one of the following services:

Successful GivingSuccessful Giving©

Successful Giving was developed by Kirby-Smith Associates to focus on increased offering.

solutions_wsSolutions© Workshops and Webinars

Solutions Workshops and Webinars are a variety of educational training courses conducted by national leaders in their field. Hands-on workshops and webinars equip you to Grow Your Space, Grow Your Giving, and Grow Your Membership.
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Coaching for Success©

Our Coaching for Success provides coaching services in church growth, vision development, long- and short-term planning and implementation, leadership development, stewardship, capital campaigns, change management, financial management, and team building.
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